Backyard Honey

Backyard Honey
Honey, bees wax and apiary services
Local outlets:
30Kerr65 Expresso Bar, Fitzroy
Acorn Nursery, Surrey Hills
Alimentari, Collingwood
Alimentari, Fitzroy
Balwyn Fruit Supply
Balwyn Heights Fruit Supply, Balwyn North
Blood Orange Foodstore, Hawthorn East
Boccaccio SUPA IGA, Balwyn
Chatham Food Store, Surrey Hills
Classic Fruits, Canterbury
Coltivari Fruit and Vege Store, Camberwell
Coles Local, Surrey Hills
Coombe Yarra Valley Providore, Coldstream
Dineamic Food, Camberwell
Flowers of Canterbury, Canterbury
FoodWorks Mont Albert
Glenferrie Gourmet Meats, Hawthorn
Hawthorn Common, Hawthorn
Honey Thief Bakery Cafe, Blackburn South
IGA Blackburn
IGA Blackburn North
Kew Organics
Leo’s Fine Food & Wine, Heidelberg
Leo’s Fine Food & Wine, Kew
Piedimonte’s Supermarket & Liquor, Fitzroy North
Pure Bread Bakery, Surrey Hills
Renaissance IGA, Hawthorn
Reunion Cafe Dining, Surrey Hills
Salzano Delicatessen, Balwyn North
Strawberry Point Fresh Food Market, Forest Hill
The Common Good, Hawthorn
The Craft and Co, Collingwood
The Green at St Columbs, Hawthorn
The Organic Union Fruit and Vegetable Store, Surrey Hills
The Something Different Shop, Hawthorn
Toscano’s Kew
Toscano’s Richmond
Wattle Park Green Grocer, Box Hill
Zimt Patisserie Café, Mont Albert
Surrey Hills
Contact name:
Henry Fried and Mary Trumble
0451 411621
Notes (in their own words):

Backyard Honey’s raw, local, multi-floral and varietal honey is hand-harvested, unheated, cold extracted and permeated with local pollens. It retains all the beneficial nutritional and medicinal properties often lost in pasteurised commercial honey. Each harvest’s colour, smell and consistency may be a little different as the foraging of bees is neither within the apiarist’s control nor inclination. Some harvests may crystallise, which simply means that the bees have gathered pollens more likely to turn the honey solid. If you prefer a liquid honey, gently warm the crystallised honey on a sunny windowsill or in a warm bowl of water, remembering that temperatures higher than 40°C will reduce the honey’s therapeutic properties.

The Backyard Honey ethos is simply to provide an effective and efficient service to ensure sustainable, healthy and mindful communities.

Backyard Honey beekeepers are qualified to provide apiary incursions to complement education programmes and have worked with many schools and Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden programmes. Their bee incursions are tailored to complement and/or extend the curriculum and include a fully enclosed perspex beehive, apiary equipment, bee suits, wax and propolis and pure, raw, unheated honey tastings. Backyard Honey incursions provide a catalyst for enquiry-based learning across the curriculum for both young and old. Phone them to discover more.

Read an interview with erstwhile owner Peter Dyer.

  • Backyard Honey
  • Backyard Honey
  • Backyard Honey