Eltham restaurants


This page provides both a list and a map of the 21 restaurants in Eltham. If you click any of the names, or any of the map markers, the relevant contact details are shown, together with links to the restaurant’s menu(s).

Of the 20 restaurants, 6 serve Italian food, 2 Indian, 2 Thai, 1 Chinese, 1 Greek and 1 Mexican. 9 of the 21 are also cafes (i.e. they are open during the day), whilst 12 are only open in the evening only. 14 of the 21 also do takeaway.

For the purposes of this page, a restaurant is defined as somewhere where you can sit down for a meal in the evening, but which is neither primarily a takeaway nor a fast food outlet. If you think that there are any other restaurants that should be included, email us.

Combining the restaurants with the cafes and takeaways, there are a total of 72(!) eateries in Eltham and Research.

  In the town centre


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  One Response to “Eltham restaurants”

  1. Great stuff Guy, I think I’ll follow you in your footsteps. It’s great to go local.

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