Local food-related events
Food Survey. Watch out for this survey, soon to be launched on the Edendale Farm website (see link on sidebar). The more who take part, the better the picture of local food needs and wants that can be developed. This will help to develop policy, food activities and create further community food projects.
The Hurstbridge Learning Coop is running the mango fundraiser once again. $24 per box, 7 kg. Orders and payment due by October 31, fruit delivered to co-op mid December. Please email lflynn@oracletelecom.net.au.
Other food activities/information
You may be interested to read “Food from somewhere” in the Age which discusses the pros and cons of buying food from the supermarkets versus the other newer activities popping up. (There is a link on the side bar to “The Future of food”)
Community Food Projects Forum, Ceres. Wednesday October 17th, 2012 from 8:45am – 1pm.
A forum to share and inspire local organisations about community food projects. Tour CERES’ Community Food System, talk to some experts in the field and have an opportunity to hear from local organisations about their successes and challenges delivering food based projects in the community. All this followed by a delicious organic lunch and an opportunity to meet other people involved in community food projects. Free event, places are limited and bookings are essential. Book on TryBooking at www.trybooking.com/BTSN More information from Jessica Smart on 9389 0120 or jessica@ceres.org.au
Return of the sacred kingfisher festival is on at Ceres on Saturday October 27, 9am–4pm. Celebrating 30 years of Ceres.