Local food-related events

Eltham Farmers’ Market
The market will be on three Sundays in December, 14, 21 and 28, so that we can buy fresh and local food for the Christmas period. Please check the Eltham Farmers’ Market page for the market for stall and entertainment information.
Eltham SGA POD
For those gardeners in the Eltham area, you may like to join the monthly get-together of the SGA POD this Sunday at a garden in Eltham North. For details please contact Meredith on 0438 398750 or at meredith@baag.com.au.
Community Leaders in Sustainability course
The Sustainable Homes and Communities Program (jointly funded by the Cities of Darebin and Banyule) is recruiting participants for the next round of the Community Leaders in Sustainability course which will begin in early 2015.
The free course provides skills and training in project management, leadership, grant writing, effective marketing, building partnerships, community group member recruitment and advocacy, as well aspects of environmental sustainability. In return, participants are expected to put their new found knowledge and skills into practice, and work to deliver a project which creates positive environmental outcomes locally.
For those interested, you can obtain an application form from info@sustainablecommunities.vic.gov.au and return by Dec 12.
Other food activities/information
Little Yarra Market (from Michelle Fisher)
Want to avoid the Crazy Christmas rush this year? Shop local!
This month’s Little Yarra Market will be a great opportunity to buy beautiful Christmas gifts in a relaxed fun atmosphere. Hand-crafted toys, locally-made skin care products, clothes and jewellery and all types of treasures plus fresh locally-grown produce including in-season – nectarines, peaches, apricots, cherries, blackberies and raspberries.
20th December, 205 Little Yarra Steiner School Yarra Junction
Pectin stock
Following on from the recent series of information about less food waste, those of you who make jams and other preserves may like this recipe.
The stock is made from fruits rich in both pectin and acid, such as tart apples, red currants, blackcurrants, quinces, tart guavas, and most citrus (including leftover citrus peels). Cover chopped fruit with water, boil and then strain as when making jelly. The stock can be bottled or frozen until required. It can be added to an unset preserve (20ml/1 tabs of liquid stock to 1.5 kg of fruit mixture reboiled for about 5 mins, then retested for set. (Source unknown)
Icecream recipes
Check out this website of chef and author David Lebovitz for unusual but delicious sounding ice creams and sorbets! And while you are at the website, you might like to explore for many other recipes suited for this time of the year.