Jul 052010

Bev Middleton: Pickle the broad beans when they are small and cook in tomato and garlic sauce. Alternatively, double pod them, cook gently and serve with lemon vinaigrette. You can also make falafel, a lot of work but delicious.

Claire Smith: Falafels were originally made from broad beans. I also like them when cooked and made in to a hummus-like dip.

Catherine Knight: Thinly slice onion, garlic and chorizo. Fry in a pan until cooked and then add the broad beans. Fry again until warm. Don’t over cook as they become dry. Also, the younger the broad beans are the better.

Deborah Taylor: Here are 4 Stephanie Alexander recipes.

Susan Palmer: Steam for 5-6 minutes, then serve with a little olive oil, shaved parmesan cheese and cracked black pepper.

Meera Govil: Remove the thick peel from the beans. Then toss through salads or through pasta at the very last minute.

Meera Govil: Mix the broad beans with garlic and smash with a chopped fresh red chilli, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, a hint of cumin powder and fresh mint. Use it like smashed avocado on toast.

Nina Ceddia: Blanch them and then toss with little boiled potatoes and a good mustard seed or red wine vinegar dressing.

Nina Ceddia: Cook up some onion and garlic in olive oil. Add a can of diced tomatoes, salt and pepper. After 15-20 minutes of low cooking, add the broad beans (not the pod), a can of water and a bunch of spinach. Cook to your liking. Before serving, drizzle a little olive oil. Serve with crusty bread.

Nina Ceddia: Broad bean fritters. Cook the broad beans and some potatoes and cool down. Mash the potato only. In a bowl, place the broad beans, the mashed potato, a small amount of bread crumbs, grated Parmesan cheese, diced garlic and fresh parsley, salt, pepper and eggs. The frittata mixture needs to be the consistence that of thick cake batter. Place some oil in a frying pan and add a spoonful of mixture. Turn over to cook both sides. Can be eaten hot or cold.

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