Panton Hill Community Garden


This garden is open to the public. Joining the associated gardening group is free but requires registration.

To register, or to discuss any aspect of the garden, contact them by phone (9433 3744) or email.

At 18 Bishops Road, Panton Hill.

The Panton Hill Community Garden is part of the Panton Hill Living & Learning Hub. It was extended in 2024 and now comprises around 10 raised beds. There are also a few fruit trees.

The garden grows produce to share with the community, helps participants learn and provides a fun and friendly opportunity for social connection.

The garden is managed by a coordinator who runs a weekly volunteer garden group, as well as workshops and hosting visiting groups to the garden.

Watch this video about the garden.

The gardening group meets every Friday during school terms, 3-5pm.

There are also regular workshops on different aspects of food gardening.

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