Seed dating permabee (Surrey Hills)

February 14, 2016 @ 13:00 – 17:00
702 Canterbury Rd
Surrey Hills VIC 3127

The blitzers at Melissa’s Permablitz on 24th January couldn’t finish everything that was planned for the day. This follow-up permabee is for singles only.

Imagine a permablitz mixed with speed dating and you’ve pretty much got what the day will be like. You will get to meet cool permie people. They will get to meet you. You will get to show off your finest gardening attire and you will help finish Melissa’s edible garden spaces and get to know other like-minded people in the process.

Jobs for the day:

  • Finish up the greywater irrigation system.
  • Set up and fill all veggie beds with soil – then plant them out.
  • Finish up the chicken run.
  • Set up drip irrigation for the veggie beds.
  • Install small patio in the back.
  • Remove 3 privet trees at rear.
  • Move upper swale trench towards house and dig evenly.
  • Move upper swale mound towards house and reduce swale mound width towards rear fence so fruit trees are in the middle.
  • Dig lower swale trench so water sits level from end to end.
  • Build up mulch and soil on lower swale mound.