Local food-related events
Veggie growing workshops
Sun 14 & 28 July, Sun 4 Aug, 2pm – 5:30pm. Ivanhoe Garden Club. $25 covers 3 sessions.
Phone Susan on 9459 2147 for more information.
Local Food Connect Annual General Meeting
Advanced notice of the Local Food Connect AGM!
This will be on August 11, at Edendale, 10am to 1pm. Bring some lunch to share. You are all invited (and it will be fun!). Come along with ideas for Harvest month activities and join a working group if you like.
Other food activities/information
The Ethical Enterprise Award 2013
An initiative of Moral Fairground, this award recognises and celebrates the achievements of Australia’s most inspirational enterprise, a business or organisation, regardless of size, which has had a positive social and economic impact through its innovative ethical practices. For more information, see www.moralfairground.com.au
Organic farming potential
At this site they write that organic farming has the potential to contribute to sustainable food security by improving nutrition intake and sustaining livelihoods in rural areas, while simultaneously reducing vulnerability to climate change and enhancing biodiversity. What do you think?
Mushroom farming
Those of you who would love to grow mushrooms may like this story from Milkwood. They make it sound easy. Has anyone done a course from CERES?