Nov 222013

globeartichokef5c535c7ddcaAren’t globe artichokes beautiful to look at? What is your favourite recipe for this vegetable?

Local food-related events

Food Swap at Edendale, Eltham

Michele has run this swap for the last couple of years and is passionate about engaging people to try new fruit and vegetables. Thank you Michele! Unfortunately she is unable to continue with the swap next year so we are looking for a new facilitator for the Eltham Swap. It requires someone willing to setup, with help, each month, keep records of food swapped and liaise with members of the Local Food community. Are you that person? If so, please contact LFC Food Swap Coordinator Fay Loveland ph 0405 790150, or

Thrive Community Garden, Diamond Creek

The Thrive community are meeting this Sunday, Nov 24, at 2pm at the Diamond Creek Netball Clubrooms. Anyone who likes gardening, is interested in sustainability and community recreation opportunities is invited. Please rsvp to or phone 0412 220294. There will be an AGM and forum about the community garden.

Eltham SGA POD

Next meeting is Sun, Dec 8, 2pm and the discussion will be on Pests in the garden. Please contact Meredith on  0438398750 if you would like to go. As the venue is a private garden, participants might be limited.

Home growers

Have you registered for the Home Harvest Feast yet? Don’t delay or you may miss out on special events or gifts!

Other food activities/information

Aquaponics and more

In recent times more and more people have shown an interest in aquaponics, a combination of growing fish and vegetables in a supportive cycle. Here is an interesting story of a project on a community scale: Incredible Edible Aqua Garden.

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