Radicle Roots

Radicle Roots
Contact name:
193 Urquhart Street, Coburg. This is located on the Merri creek, on De Chene Reserve, on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people.
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is open to everyone to grow and harvest as they wish. Access to the organising structure is also open to people to join and is based on non hierarchical decision making processes.

Radicle Roots is a community garden created by the Guerilla Gardening Naarm Collective, which aims to respond to the escalating cost-of-living and climate crises by creating localised food systems that do not rely on industry or the state. Inequalities plague existing food systems; they actively create obstacles to accessing fresh healthy food.

The garden aims to be a grassroots alternative to these systems and to promote the power of community collaboration and solidarity in meeting our needs. The collective intends to discard ideas of land ownership and instead practice ideas of collective care for, and equal access to, land, embodying the concept of ‘the commons’.

Listen to this two part 2024 interview on 3CR: part 1 and part 2.

You can donate to the garden. All funds raised go towards covering material and maintenance costs for the garden and no funds are used to pay any members of the collective.

They have working bees at 10am every Saturday in spring and summer and at 11am in autumn and winter. They are always welcome to new people going along.

  • Radicle Roots