Hurstbridge Food Swap

Hurstbridge Food Swap
2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 10.30-11.30am
Contact name:
Jules Jay
Hurstbridge Community Hub, 50 Graysharps Road, Hurstbridge, 3099
Notes (in their own words):

This initiative is one of a number of related food-related initiatives at the site (others include a food is free table, a community garden and a seed library).

The food swap is a regular get-together centred on giving, swapping, and sharing homegrown food and garden-related items with others in the community. Its aims are to increase community access to healthy homegrown food, build strong local relationships, and reduce the amount of food-related waste and materials going to compost and landfill. It’s also an opportunity to meet new friends and catch up with old ones.

Take along your surplus produce or, if there’s not much going on in the garden, just bring yourself!

Suitable items to share or give include:

  • homegrown fruit and vegetables
  • seeds and seedlings
  • coffee grounds
  • worm juice
  • bags of manure
  • recipe cards
  • gardening or food magazines or books
  • glass jars for preserving
  • preserves and pickles
  • sourdough starters
  • kombucha/jun scobies and kefir grains
  • stories, skills, questions, and advice