Local food and drink directory

Caffe Strada
Gluten-free breads, cakes and pastries
Local outlets:
Own shop
Bitter Sweet Cafe, Ivanhoe East
Jefferies, Croydon Hills
Leo's Fine Food & Wine, Heidelberg
Max's Burger Bar, Montmorency
Pro-Health, Eltham
The Burger Lounge, Eltham
Were Street Foodstore, Montmorency
Notes (in their own words):

Caffe Strada makes a wide range of gluten free bread, which is available from both its own shop in Ivanhoe and a variety of other outlets in nearby suburbs.

Caffe Strada is also a cafe which focuses on producing healthy, flavoursome gluten-free food. The cafe is a 100% gluten-free environment and they bake all of their products. Their homemade sausage rolls are fructose-free.

Canterbury Community Garden
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is allotment-based.

The Canterbury Community Garden was created in 2006 and provides a focal point for members of the local community who are supportive of the general principles of sustainability in the growing and sharing of food. It is made up of 36 plots, ranging in size, with annual fees of $50 or $60 depending on the size of the plot. All the plots are currently allocated and there is a substantial waiting list. Plot holders generally grow vegetables or small flowers. There are also some communal areas where fruit trees are grown, along with herbs and shared items. Gardeners take full responsibility for the up keep of their plots and are also required to attend at least two working bees each year to address larger maintenance tasks.

The group is run by a committee and the garden is part of the new Canterbury Community Hub.

Notes (in their own words):

Carenet is a food relief organisation that provides both pre-packed hampers and client-selected items for people who need them.

The hampers can contain a selection of fresh, frozen and non-perishable products including fresh fruit & vegetables, cleaning & hygiene products, frozen meals, and cat & dog food. They are available on referral, including self-referral, using a simple referral form. The hampers can be picked up from Manningham Christian Centre every Tuesday between 10am and 2pm.

They also have an initiative called The Social Grocer where customers can go to the Manningham Christian Centre and help themselves to whatever they would like and are encouraged to pay what they can. As at mid 2023, The Social Grocer is open every Thursday, 10am-midday.

Carenet also has a mobile pantry which gives out free food plus cleaning and hygiene products. As at mid 2023, the pantry's schedule is:

  • Doncaster Pentecost Church: every Thursday, 3-5pm; 8 Montgomery Street, Doncaster East.
  • Warrandyte Neighbourhood House: every Wednesday, 10am-midday; in the car park, Level 1/168 Yarra Street, Warrandyte.
  • Wonga Park Community Cottage: every other Wednesday, 12.30-2.30pm; Unit 1/9-13 Old Yarra Road, Wonga Park.

Finally, Carenet is part of The Food Collective, where they assist with food distribution, packing food hampers and pantry re-stocking.

CareNet is part of the Manningham Christian Centre.

Carlton Farmers’ Market
Every Saturday, 8am-1pm
Carlton North
City of Yarra
CERES Community Garden
Brunswick East
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is allotment-based, mostly individual allotments plus a shared allotment area. There are around 50 garden plots which are rented out yearly to those with limited household space for growing.

There are regular working bees and social BBQs. These provide opportunities for gardeners to mingle, share freshly grown produce, swap seeds and pitch in to help maintain the site.

Chef’s Fine Food
Pies, pates, terrines, pesto, tapenade and relishes
Local outlets:
Own shop - Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 5.30pm (recommend that you call first)
Eltham Gourmet Poultry
Notes (in their own words):

Using locally-sourced, grass-fed beef and free-range chicken from the Yarra Valley, Erin and David Turnley have built a solid reputation over the last 10 years as producing some of the best family gourmet pies in the region. Their pie range includes chunky beef, chicken, scallop, roast vegetable and apple. At the local markets that they frequent, you can also sample their array of pates which includes chicken, duck, salmon and venison. Basil and coriander pesto and duck and chicken terrines are also available for sale. All ingredients are sourced locally, with grass-fed beef, and chicken, duck and venison which is free range and hormone free.

Chiron Health
Laundry powder, oils, soaps, etc. Also, some teas, chutneys, etc.
Certified Organic
Local outlets:
Chapkoun Pharmacy, Thomastown
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, Clifton Hill
Joe's Organic Markets, Northcote
Miller Gilbert Pharmacy, Preston
Pharmacy Select, Mill Park
Sprout Health Store & Organic Grocer, Hawthorn
Takis & Kathy's Christenings & Weddings, Northcote
Top of The Town Organics, Preston
Vasili's Organics, Coburg
Notes (in their own words):

Chiron Health's products include: prickly pear oil; olive and cactus gel laundry powder; olive oil soaps; shampoo; talc free powder; St Johns oil; olive oil; herbal teas; fig jams and chutneys; peach and nectarine chutney; grape molasses; and cold press honey (olive tree blossom).

Chiron Health's products are based on science, with formulas researched by Dr Natalie Alexopoulos. 99% of the ingredients are from their own certified organic farm. All the ingredients are grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides and, because their products are made in small batches, each product is made as soon as the associated herbs have been picked.

Chocolatier Australia
Affordable, premium, luxury chocolate
Local outlets:
Own shop
Notes (in their own words):

Chocolatier Australia make a wide range of affordable premium luxury chocolate, loose, seasonal and boxed. Their full range can be purchased from their shop in Ivanhoe but can also be found in major retail outlets across Australia, 5 star hotels, major international airlines, major sporting events and corporate hospitality venues. They also offer personalised chocolates for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries or any other social occasion.

Chocolatier Australia is one of a small group of Australian manufacturers who are licensed under the Fairtrade Labelling Organization of Australia and New Zealand. Fairtrade is an alternative model of international trade which aims to share the benefits of trade more equitably between consumers, producers and the environment. Their Fairtrade range currently comprises 2 gift boxes in milk and dark Chocolate and 2 Easter eggs in milk and dark chocolate. For more information about Fairtrade please visit www.fairtrade.com.au.

Coburg Common
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is membership-based, but is also open to the public on Sunday, 10am-1pm, at which times there are also plants for sale.

Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in gardening, for a nominal fee of $20 per annum or $10 for concession card holders. There are no individual plots and the produce is shared amongst the members.

Coburg Common is operated by a volunteer group called The Gardening Mob Inc (GMI). GMI was formed by some of the volunteers who previously ran Peppertree Place in Urquhart Street Coburg before it was taken over by Kevin Heinze GROW. The Uniting Church kindly allows the volunteers to utilise some land beside the church. GMI’s purpose is to enhance the opportunity for gardening for people of all abilities and to increase socialisation in the community through gardening, related activities and skill sharing and knowledge. They use sustainable practices and aim to be socially inclusive in all their endeavours.

Operations are partly funded through plant sales, many of which have been donated by the local community. The eclectic array of garden decor, pots and furniture is recycled or re-used hard rubbish rescues and donations. The artwork displayed in the garden was created by volunteers at various stages.

Coburg Common has formed relationships with the Coburg Community Library and the local University of the Third Age. They have also hosted a mental health day and run various workshops on propagation and tool maintenance and sharpening.

New members are always welcome.

Coburg Farmers’ Market
Every Saturday, 8am-1pm
Coburg Food and Garden Swap
2nd Saturday of the month, 10.30am-12.30pm
Notes (in their own words):

The food swap is held at the Reynard Street Community Garden and the garden is open at the same time.

Cocoa Rhapsody
Chocolate (some Certified Organic, some vegan friendly)
Certified Organic
Local outlets:
Apples and Sage Organic Wholefoods, Balwyn
Notes (in their own words):

Cocoa Rhapsody sells Certified Organic chocolate, with much of the range also being vegan friendly. There are a wide range of flavours, including nectarines, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, walnut, kiwifruit and peach. The cocoa beans are processed to a conch time of 72 hours to produce a smooth, silky textured chocolate (conching is essentially the grinding of the cocoa beans - the longer the conch time the smoother the chocolate).

The chocolate is made using organic, fair trade, cocoa beans grown in the natural rainforest environment in the Dominican Republic, where the farmers above the market price for their beans. They also receive a 2% royalty of all chocolate sold which is contributed directly to the 'hand in hand' fund for fair trade.

Collingwood Food Swap
1st Saturday of the month, 10.30-11.30am
City of Yarra
Condell Growers and Sharers Community Garden
City of Yarra
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is open to the public.

The community garden comprises 36 garden boxes. These used to be allocated to individuals but are now mainly communal, with everyone invited to sample the bounty. The garden is maintained by local residents – providing access to fresh food and encouraging sustainability.

There are monthly working bees, usually on the 2nd Saturday of every month, 10.30am-12.30pm.

There is an active composting program which aims to be reduce the food waste that goes into Yarra City's rubbish bins and to create compost for the garden. If you would like to contribute your food waste, email them to arrange a time to participate in a 15-20 minute composting tutorial which will entitle you to participate in the program.

Craftwork Roasting Company
Local outlets:
Own shop (Monday-Friday, 7am-2pm; Saturday, 8am-2pm)
Notes (in their own words):

Craftwork Roasting Company roast coffee, which they then sell in bags online and at their shop. There are 9 choices across espresso and filter at any one time, including 6 single origins, sourced through select merchants who work ethically and sustainably with coffee producers.

Their cafe (aka brew bar) and retail space has windows looking into the roasting and production area. Customers can browse brewing equipment, ceramic cups and Craftwork beans while they wait for their takeaway coffee. Or they can sit down to drink their coffee together with house baked pastries, cakes and bread.

Creeds Farm Community Garden
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is open to the public.

The garden is a communal garden where participants share both the gardening and the harvest. There are no fences, nor individual plots. The aims are:

  • To be a shared community garden where participants share the gardening and the harvest.
  • To provide space for the community to share knowledge and enhance social connection.
  • To act as a learning and demonstration centre for communal organic gardening.

There is a get together on the 4th Sunday of each month, 10.30-midday.

Croxton Community Garden / Marra Guwiyap Community Garden
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is membership based but all the beds are communal. Members share produce, seed collecting, propagating, planting and harvesting tasks.

The garden came into existence in 2021 on an abandoned tennis court adjacent to Croxton Railway Station.

Most of the vegetables, herbs and berries are grown in custom-built wicking beds. Tools and equipment are on-site and a composting and worm farm setup provides much of the nutrients required. As at 2023, a small fruit tree orchard is expanding, and an edible indigenous plant garden is being developed. A local kindergarten has a small, child-sized veggie bed just for them.

The garden is a place for growing food, eco-sustainability, sharing activities, fun and learning together. The vision is for a shared, accessible space, creating a safer, healthier and more resilient environment and providing an amenity where the broader neighbourhood can come together in shared social and educational events.

There is a working bee on the 3rd Sunday of each month, 10am-1pm, followed by a shared lunch. Everyone is welcome.

Croydon Community Garden
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is allotment-based.

There are 76 allotments (with most being 36 square metres), plus 6 raised garden beds, for a total size of 3,000 square metres. Membership is $10-20 pa, which includes an allotment, water and access to equipment (spades, forks, barrows, mowers, etc).

The garden has been in operation since the 1980s. Its purpose is to enable each person to grow things on their own individual allotment, with any excess to be shared with other allotment holders. There is a diversity of cultures/nationalities within the gardens, including heritance of; Anglo Saxons; Italians; Greek; Malaysian; Burmese; Mexican; South America; and Baltics. Members members learn from each other and try different plants, methods of cultivation and how to grow plants.

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