Local food and drink directory

Madeleine Butter
Cultured butters
Yarra Ranges
Notes (in their own words):

Madeleine Butter make a range of cultured butters, including salted, unsalted, smoked salt and seaweed. Cultured butter is created by fermenting the cream before churning it to create the butter (read more about cultured butter). Starting with grass-fed, Jersey-cow cream from Gippsland, they ferment, churn, 'malax' and then shape each individual portion by hand.

'Malaxing' is done using a 'malaxar', a historic machine which separates the buttermilk from the butter. A malaxer fundamentally comprises a flat table and a corrugated rolling pin and the butter is kneaded, massaged and folded as it passes under the pin. Using a malaxer is labour intensive and time consuming, so most dairies don’t use one - they instead squeeze their butter within a churn. Madeleine Butter believes, however, that the hands-on practice of a malaxer produces superior flavours and texture. Because malaxers are now only available as antiques, Madeleine Butter have built their own. Read more about malaxers.

Founder Jack Gaffney is inspired by historic and contemporary butter making techniques and the complex and diverse small-batch butters of France. Having fallen in love with butter, he moved to Brittany to study his passion, before returning to Melbourne to set up Madeleine Butter.

Magic Muesli
Muesli and porridge
Local outlets:
Fitzroy North
City of Yarra
Notes (in their own words):

Each ingredient in Magic Muesli's muesli and porridge is selected for the important role that it plays in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Oats and psyllium are a good source of dietary fibre. Goji berries contain antioxidants and cranberries contain vitamin C. Ground linseeds, sunflower seeds and almonds release the good fatty acids and whole linseeds aid digestion. Walnuts and chia seeds provide essential omega-3. And almonds, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, sesame seeds and currants add goodness. The muesli is not toasted and contains no added sugar, no syrups, no juice, no added fats, and no preservatives – just raw and natural.

Mama Bakes Naturally
Gingerbread men, chocolate chip cookies and sweet & savoury bites
Eastfield Organic Natural Food Market, Croydon South
Ringwood East
Notes (in their own words):

Mama Bakes Naturally makes allergy-friendly hand-made treats which are completely free from gluten, dairy, egg, nuts, refined sugar, GMOs or any artificial ingredients.

Vegan chocolate treats
Certified Organic ingredients
Local outlets:
Bicycle Thieves Cafe, Northcote
Briki cafe, Thornbury
Dineamic Cafe, Carlton North
Dineamic Food, Camberwell
East Elevation, Brunswick East
Little Woodpecker, Blackburn North
McAdam’s Apple, Croydon
Richmond Rush Cafe
Warrandyte Stonehouse Cafe
Wild Things Food, Fitzroy North
Notes (in their own words):

Manuko make a range of chocolate slices and truffles, stocked in select cafes and specialty retailers around Melbourne. All products are made from Certified Organic ingredients, and are raw, gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free and vegan. Their products have a two month shelf life when stored refrigerated.

Their slices include salted caramel, turkish delight, hazelnut ganache, otway walnut ganache, peanut crunch, matcha mint, choc jaffa and choc coconut. Their truffles include original, turkish delight and mint.

Mary Monica Gin
Local outlets:
Yarra Glen
Yarra Ranges
Notes (in their own words):

Mary Monica Gin only started out business in 2020 and their first product is called 'oriental gin', which is a south east asian inspired citrus gin. They live on a regenerative citrus farm in the Yarra Valley where they grow the botanicals used to flavour their gins. Their key botanicals are picked fresh in season and distilled within 24 hours. Timing is everything. This means that, when the season's batch is sold, they do not produce any more gin until the next fruit is on the trees.

Finally, whence the name Mary Monica Gin? Mary Monica was the owner's Great, Great Grandmother, who ran a pub in Chapel Street, South Yarra, during the great depression.

Maya ‘Xala Honey
Local outlets:
Road Side Honey Stall at 13 Spectacular Avenue, Doreen
Local Fine Foods, Diamond Creek
Mernda Cafe Convenience
Notes (in their own words):

Maya 'Xala Honey make pure and natural honey which they sell in 600g jars.

The owner, Nathan Stewart, is also the resident beekeeper at Rivers of Yarrambat.

"Maya'Xala" as it is an Indigenous word that means treat others and things the way you want to be treated (i.e. with respect). This sacred teaching and inter-connectedness could really help modern western ways of living.

Mernda Community Garden
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is allotment-based, with some communal beds for members.

The garden is on the historical Carome Homestead site, near the Two Beans at Carome cafe. It provides a space for community members from the Whittlesea area to come together and enjoy the great outdoors.

There are monthly working bees on the first Saturday of the month. Everyone is welcome to attend and have a chat.

Mernda Seed, Sow & Grow Community Garden Group
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is membership-based, but membership is free. The gardening group meets each Thursday, 1-3pm, during school terms.

The garden is a learning space for community members and families interested in being actively engaged, sharing tips and knowledge about gardening, growing food from seed to harvest and sustainable living, re-using, re-purposing and recycling what they can. The garden is small but the produce and community connections thrive as the local community comes together to learn and share organic produce.

Merri Corner Community Garden
Brunswick East
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is allotment based.

The Merri Corner Community Garden was conceived in 2006 by a group of passionate Brunswick East locals and opened in 2010. It has around 40 plots where plotholders grow a variety of herbs and veggies. Members are from the local area and often don't have access to much garden space at home.

All are welcome to visit. There is an open garden / working bee on the second Sunday of each month, 10am-midday.

Mindful Cacao
Cacao beverages
Notes (in their own words):

Mindful Cacao makes Ceremonial Cacao, which is a nutritious healthy drinking chocolate which comes in small granules. There are two varieties, one being 100% Peruvian single origin cacao and the other being 98% Peruvian single origin cacao plus 2% panela and vanilla bean extract. The suggestion is that you mix this cacao with water, milk of your choice and (optional) a sweetener of your choice at low heat (read more).

Mindful Cacao combines Ceremonial Cacao with meditation to create a daily wellness ritual. Free, daily meditations are available via a QR code on the packets. They recommend the following four stage process: 1. breathe deeply; 2. prepare the cacao mindfully; 3. set an intention; and 4. then meditate.

They also sell various accessories for use with the cacao, including frothers (to help with the cacao preparation) and ceramic cups.

Mixed Bag
Chai and hot chocolate blends. Also marshmallows and cookies.
Local outlets:
Notes (in their own words):

Mixed Bag make chai and hot chocolate blends, which they sell in both pre-packaged bags and, at markets, as freshly made hot drinks. Their flavours include: original chai, coconut blossom vegan chai, chocolate orange spiced chai, original hot chocolate, mint-infused hot chocolate, and chai sprinkles. They also sell marshmallows and cookies.

Montmorency Food Swap
10-11am. 1st Sunday of the month (except for Jan when it is on the 2nd Sunday)
Notes (in their own words):

In all the months except January, the swap is held on the first Sunday of the month. In January, it is held on the second Sunday.

Usually, but not always, at The Monty Hub, 1-3 Mountainview Road, Montmorency, 3094 (check on their Facebook page).

The food swap is sometimes followed by a talk.

Montrose Community Cupboard
Kilsyth, Montrose
Yarra Ranges
Notes (in their own words):

Montrose Community Cupboard is much more than a community pantry and undertakes a wide range of activities in pursuit of its mission to rescue food from landfill and re-distribute it to the local community.

They have two community pantries, a weekly Saturday market and monthly community meals.

The two community pantries are located at Japara Bridge House, 49 Durham Road, Kilsyth and Montrose Church of Christ, 7 Leith Road, Montrose. The Kilsyth pantry is open 24/7 whilst the Montrose one is open Monday-Saturday 7am-9pm and Sunday midday-8pm. Members of the public can take what they want and are also invited to leave veggies, fruit, herbs, plants, seeds, seedlings or any non-perishable items.

The weekly market is on Saturdays, 3-4pm at either Japara Bridge House, 49 Durham Road, Kilsyth or Montrose Scout Hall, Unit 2/950, Mount Dandenong Tourist Road, Montrose. See their website for which markets will be at which locations. All the food at the market is free.

The free, monthly, two course, community meals are usually on the 4th Sunday of each month, 6-7.30pm, at Montrose Public Hall, 1B Leith Road, Montrose. Everyone is welcome, as are donations of non-perishable food. During winter (June and August), there will be a lunchtime meal instead, with the team taking a break for the month of July. Read an article about the meals in the Lilydale Star Mail.

Finally, they have a street library (books, dvds, etc) at 16 St James Avenue, Montrose.

Mooroolbark Community Garden
Yarra Ranges
Notes (in their own words):

This garden is open to the public 24/7.

The garden is almost an acre in size and includes 12 large raised beds, all of which are communal. The aim is to provide a locally grown, organic, ethical, environmentally friendly, healthy, sustainable and self-funded community food source. Plus it is a place of being and sharing skills, knowledge and ideas for local community members of all ages, genders, ethnicity and abilities.

They have a polytunnel where they grow veggie seedlings for sale and any excess produce is also available for sale

The garden was opened in 2023 and is on a temporary site pending the Council deciding what to do with the site longer term.

There is a gardening club that meets every Wednesday morning 10am-midday. There is usually also someone there on Thursday mornings, 10am-midday, who you can chat with. For anyone that wants to be involved in the garden, they ask that you become a member in order to facilitate communications. As at 2023, annual membership was $15 ($30 for families and free for concession card holders).

Mooroolbark Urban Harvest
2nd Saturday of the month, 10am-11am
Yarra Ranges
Mount Prospect Farm
A wide range of vegetables
Local outlets:
Notes (in their own words):

Mount Prospect Farm's produce includes: potatoes, garlic, beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, carrots, cauliflower, celery, kale, leeks, peas, pumpkin, rhubarb, shallots, silverbeet, swedes, sweetcorn and zucchini.

Murray River Smokehouse
Smoked meats and fish plus gravlax
Local outlets:
Notes (in their own words):

Murray River Smokehouse are a small family business which is focussed on producing smoked meats and fish plus gravlax. Their smoked products include trout, trout pate, ham, bacon, kransky, kangaroo, lamb, beef/pastrami, chicken, eel, quail and turkey. Their pork & turkey are free range, their lamb & beef are pasture fed, their chicken & quail are barn raised, and their eel & kangaroo are wild caught. There are no 'e' numbers in any of their products and they use no artificial smokes, flavours or fillers.

The business started smoking fish in the 1970's but started off life as a butchery in the 1930's. They have kept the original open fired smoke ovens but also have a modern smoking oven capable of cold smoking. They use only river red gum as timber for their smoke.

My Little Country Kitchen
A range of catering meals and finger food
Local outlets:
Wild Wombat Cafe, Hurstbridge
Yarra Valley Poultry, Eltham
Kinglake West
Notes (in their own words):

My Little Country Kitchen specialises in catering and fingerfood as well as bread, biscuits, cakes and slices. They provide fresh, delicious and beautifully presented food, all made to order. Type of catering include engagements, weddings, corporate/private functions and morning/afternoon teas.

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