This garden is membership based but all the beds are communal. Members share produce, seed collecting, propagating, planting and harvesting tasks.
The garden came into existence in 2021 on an abandoned tennis court adjacent to Croxton Railway Station.
Most of the vegetables, herbs and berries are grown in custom-built wicking beds. Tools and equipment are on-site and a composting and worm farm setup provides much of the nutrients required. As at 2023, a small fruit tree orchard is expanding, and an edible indigenous plant garden is being developed. A local kindergarten has a small, child-sized veggie bed just for them.
The garden is a place for growing food, eco-sustainability, sharing activities, fun and learning together. The vision is for a shared, accessible space, creating a safer, healthier and more resilient environment and providing an amenity where the broader neighbourhood can come together in shared social and educational events.
There is a working bee on the 3rd Sunday of each month, 10am-1pm, followed by a shared lunch. Everyone is welcome.