For the time of the year when your garden seems covered in a carpet of nasturtiums and little bursts of colour abound.
Pick some of your best nasturtium flowers. Carefully nip the stem to leave just the flower and base. Place each one neatly into a cleaned jar, facing the flowers to the outside. Pack in densely but gently, until you’ve got all the sides covered, then ease some into the centre space. Slowly fill the jar with white wine vinegar to cover the flowers. Screw on your lid firmly. The effect of the suspended flowers will only last a few days till they begin to absorb the vinegar, but it’s lovely while it lasts. You could choose to do each jar with a single colour of flowers or a mixture to reflect the range you have available (the flowers will colour as well as flavour the vinegar).
If this is to be a gift, it would be best to prepare on the day, and wrap or decorate for giving. It would also be helpful for your recipient if the following instructions go with the jar – perhaps on a little tag. Alternatively, you could do the shaking and gift the completed vinegar in a fancy bottle.
1. Place in a sunny spot.
2. Shake gently each few days for several weeks.
3. Strain into bottle, add fresh nasturtium flower.
4. Use as marinade or to make salad dressing.
A lovely flavoured vinegar to give a spicy lift to your favourite recipe.
Linda Cornelissen
Diamond Creek