1 cup peas
2 cups whole wheat flour
water, enough to make a soft dough
2 teaspoons cumin
2 tablespoons coriander powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon mango powder
oil, as needed
Heat the oil in a pan.
Add the cumin and peas. Add the turmeric, coriander powder and salt. Let it cook for 1-2 minutes, until the peas are soft.
Add the mango powder and mix well. Turn the heat off and put the mixture into a bowl. Mash well with a spoon or fork.
Make a soft dough from the flour and water.
Make balls out of the dough. Press the ball between your palm to flatten them and roll flat using a rolling pin.
Place some of the pea mixture in the centre of the flattened dough. Fold the sides in, to cover the pea mixture. This makes the dough like a round dumpling filled with pea mixture. Using your hands, roll the dumpling between your hands again into a nice ball and then flatten it out into a flatbread using a rolling pin.
Toast the bread on a pan on both sides. Use oil to toast it until crisp. It will require round ½ tablespoon of oil on each side. Toast until golden brown on both sides.
Vasundhara Kandpal
Green Karma