Mark’s ‘try and try again’ garden

November 25, 2017 @ 14:30 – 15:30
Private garden (address provided on booking)
Coburg VIC 3058
$10 / $5 Concession
Tina Stagg
8470 8673

Starting with a blank slate, Mark has established his extensive food garden over 10 years. Food is incorporated into all garden areas, from the hardy drought resistant herbs on the front verge, orchard in the front yard, grapevines along the side to the fruit and nut trees and purpose build raised wicking beds of seasonal vegetables and herbs out the back. A cleverly designed deep litter chicken pen allows his Light Sussex and Barnevelder (‘Boofy’) chooks to scratch and forage for tasty grubs in the garden while protecting vegetables from hungry beaks. Mark has experimented with the garden layout and design over time, and will share what has worked and what hasn’t. He is planning to build a new home on the site soon, and will re-design some elements of the garden at the same time, in an ongoing process of improvement and renewal.