Rushall Community Garden
This garden is allotment-based, with some communal areas.
To discuss any aspect of the garden, contact them by email. Also, see their website and join their Facebook group.
Thomas Kidney Reserve, Rushall Crescent, Fitzroy North, 3068 (behind the grassy knoll opposite the end of Kneen Street).
The garden comprises around 50 allotments plus some communal areas and composting facilities. You can become a member for an annual fee of $10, which then entitles you to participate in their regular working bees, work in the communal areas and share produce, as well as to join the waiting list for a plot. Note, however, that there is currently a long waiting list for plots (around 6 years).
The communal plots work on an honour system, which is the case also for taking fruit from the fruit trees.
The garden committee oversees the buying in of products such as mushroom compost and manure, which are then made available for use. This ensures that the garden stays organic.
Watch a video made by ABC about the garden.
The garden was established around 2004. It is part of the North Fitzroy Community Gardens Group (NFCGG), who aim to enhance the sustainability of the Fitzroy North community by:
Respecting prior ownership of the land by Indigenous Australians.
- Maintaining an attractive urban space where people can grow plants predominantly for food and which is accessible to the local community to enjoy.
- Promoting sustainable organic gardening techniques.
- Fostering the sharing and development of a diversity of gardening skills.
- Managing the garden by consensus in an open, participatory and non-discriminatory manner.
In October 2023, Ann Stanley visited the garden. Read her writeup of the visit.