Condell Growers and Sharers Community Garden, Fitzroy


This garden is open to the public.

To discuss any aspect of the community garden, contact Anne Fitzpatrick by email at Also, see their website and Facebook page.

In Condell Street, Fitzroy across the road from Fitzroy Town Hall.

The community garden comprises 36 garden boxes. These used to be allocated to individuals but are now mainly communal, with everyone invited to sample the bounty. The garden is maintained by local residents – providing access to fresh food and encouraging sustainability.

There are monthly working bees, usually on the 2nd Saturday of every month, 10.30am-12.30pm.

There is an active composting program which aims to be reduce the food waste that goes into Yarra City’s rubbish bins and to create compost for the garden. If you would like to contribute your food waste, email them to arrange a time to participate in a 15-20 minute composting tutorial which will entitle you to participate in the program.

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