Jul 192013

Local food-related events

Local food boxes

Bolton Street Deli is now a dropoff point for Village Food Connections' local produce boxes.

Workshops etc

Fruit tree pruning workshops at Edendale, July 20 (Fully booked) and July 27.
Edendale Swap, July 27, will start early again at 9:30-10am,  to allow home growers to also take part in the Pruning workshop. For bookings, see above.

Local Food Connect Annual General Meeting

This will be on August 11, at Edendale, 10am to 1pm. Bring a friend and some lunch to share-local produce would be special! You are all invited (and it will be fun!). Come along with ideas for Harvest month activities and re-energising Food Swaps.  The AGM is early this year so all membership subs are due before August 11. Please see the website for details.

Other food activities/information

Should we ban "Shop Local"? Here is an interesting point of view.

Fair Food Week, August 19-25. Local Food Connect is now a member of Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance!

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